Personal & Spiritual Growth
Reclaiming the Sacred
What do you consider most important in your life? What is sacred to you? Something is sacred if it is set apart, highly valued, holy, or worthy of reverence and respect. It may, or may not arise from a religious perspective. But it is always an aspect of your spirituality.
Is there some aspect of your life that holds special meaning to you? Family? Profession, Pet? Nature? Religious practice? HIgher power? Specific person? Relationship? Place? Activity? How do you discover or discern your own sense of the sacred? Does the sacred affect how you live, love, work, or play?
Whatever the sacred is for you, it possesses a special meaning and value. If you live in relationship to the sacred, mindfully, then each action of your life is endowed with deeper meaning and integrity; which is energizing and leads to wholeheartedness, happiness and fulfillment.
Coaching Services and Practices
Spiritual companioning
Anamcara, - the Celtic word and tradition of “soul friend”, spiritual midwife for your individual life passages.
Dream work
Contemplative Prayer
Centering prayer
Affirmative prayer
Loving kindness meditation
Grace and Gratitude
Enneagram – a comprehensive system of sacred psychology that uses an awareness of personality types or structures to help us become conscious of our automatic motivations, behavior, and reactivity to aid in relaxing these repetitive patterns and allow for conscious choice and awareness of essence.
Examen – Ignation practice - Review each day, “What was life giving, joyful today, what was life depleting or draining?”
Spiritual experiences, encounters.
Near-death experiences
Spiritual crises, doubt, and fear
Individuation – Carl Jung
Shadow work
Sacred masculine and feminine
Second half of life
Path of transformation
Inventory – mindful awareness. Pay attention to your mind, your body, and your spirit.
Core values
Signature strengths
Wheel of Life
Living in process
Soul expression
Drawing or painting
Soul Collage
Sabbath. Come apart to a sacred place of forgiveness and loving, nurturing, safety.
Silence, quiet time
Practicing presence
Existential Inquiry
Breathe work
Grounding and centering
Chakra Centering
Tai chi
Sacred dance/movement
Toning and chanting
Spiritual Obstacles and Resources
Guilt and shame
What do I need to let go of?
What am I avoiding?
Process addiction
The problem of evil
Spiritual roots, ancestors, and lineage
Cycle of birth, growth, death, and rebirth
Die before you die
Pain and Suffering
Clinging, Attachment, and Avoidance, Aversion
Relationship to the natural world
Relationship to the divine - Consider that you are a unique expression of the divine, the creative force that sustains and brings everything into being. Practice receiving the love of God just as you are. Allow gratitude to well up in you. You are a unique, divine expression of God. How will you practice remembering, reconnecting, grounding, giving thanks, and expressing the divine fully in your life?
Evolution of Consciousness - levels of awareness
Spiral Dynamics, Ken Wilber
Quantum Theology, McDiarmuid
Mysticism - Non-dualism, unitive consciousness
Paradox and the tension of opposites.
Connecting with essence
Being, Here, Now