Physician Well-Being,
& Resilience
Thriving in today’s changing health care environment has never been more challenging.
Are you experiencing fatigue, cumulative stress, or burnout?
Many doctors, nurses, and other members of the health care team are adapting to continuous change. Are you frustrated with the ever increasing regulations, productivity demands, computerized measurements, and the alphabet soup of ACA, ACOs, ICD-10, procedure codes, and the increasing complexity of the electronic health record?
Physicians and nurses find themselves enmeshed in massive, complex health care delivery systems, with growing demands for documentation, and adaptation to business and profit driven layers of institutional control.
The computer is now an omnipresent 3rd party in the exam room, intruding into the physician-patient relationship. Insurance companys' myriad affiliates, products, and limited networks of referral and pharmacy options create confusion, uncertainty, and risk of errors at multiple levels of care. These issues are in addition to the intrinsic challenges of patient care, exploding medical information, and professional liability risks.
Personal & Spiritual Growth
Many people today are facing difficult decisions or coping with major life changes. Are you coping with grief or loss or other major transitions, personally or professionally? Have you lost a loved one, a job, or financial security? Does this major change cause you confusion, frustration, and disorientation, uncertain about the way forward?
You may experience a sense of loss of meaning and purpose, uncertainty and dislocation caused by a spiritual encounter, crisis, transition, or near-death experience. Pastors and other clergy may notice a loss of faith, experience illness, or trauma, painful doubts, or changes that call everything into question.
During such times, there may be a need for taking inventory, rethinking what your life is about, why you are doing what you are doing. There may be a sense of altered identity, “who am I?”. Am I more, or less, or other than I previously thought? How do I know and decide what is real and true for me? What does this mean for me, going forward. Does my life, my relationships, my work, and free time align with who I am?

End of Life, and Life Changing Illness
Most of us take our life and health for granted. Modern medicine projects the image that nearly everything can be cured. Are you experiencing a serious health problem, perhaps a new diagnosis of cancer, or other chronic severe illness that is changing your life, work, sense of who you are, what you had hoped for and expected?
You may encounter doctors that have and give no useful answers, or speak in unsatisfactory technical jargon that does not respond to the changes in your life that the illness is causing. You may seek alternative medical or spiritual solutions that seem difficult to talk about with your doctors or combine with your medical care and treatment regimen.
The shock of a lethal diagnosis and the illness’s attendant life changing symptoms may throw your sense of yourself into disarray.